Sunday, May 25, 2008

"Im just sittin' out here watching airplanes, Take off and fly, Tryin to figure out which one you might be on, and why you don't love me anymore"

I have a growing fear of lose inside of me.  I just can't shake the bad feelings that live within me.  I guess I will always have them, until the day I die.  Nothing is guaranteed anymore. People fall in and out of love all the time.  People come and go all the time.  Life is constantly changing and nothing is permanent anymore.  I just want to go somewhere where nothing changes fast.  I want to go somewhere where life is slow paced.  Where simple love is guaranteed.  Where you feel alive.  I feel dead here.  I want something to be simple and guaranteed for once.  But as long as i'm here and i'm living with these memories and nightmares of the past, i will never be okay.  I just have to keep the demons at bay for 2 more years and then I can escape to somewhere where I feel alive.  Where I can start over fresh, where no one knows me or what I've been through.  Where I can finally be something that no one knows.  I want to be somewhere where I can come and go and no one will worry about where I am going and where no one will worry about whether i'm coming home that night.  I want to move to the country and have a farm and just have life be simple for me for a change.  I just wish I could be okay and not scared for once.  I used to be fearless, but i'm weaker than I thought.  I have nothing left to give anymore.  I have nothing and no one.  Part of it is my fault.  I don't let anyone get to close for fear they'll desert me.  I made the mistake of letting someone in too fast and now I can't figure out how to guard myself back up.  I don't want to feel anything, because then you can't get hurt.  And i'm hurting right now and I don't want to. I wish i wasn't scared. I just want to be safe and confident for once.  I love him so much and it scares me.

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